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  • AstroImaging Today: Unveiling HFG1 with Douglas Struble
    décembre 5, 2023

    AstroImaging Today: Unveiling HFG1 with Douglas Struble

    AstroImaging enthusiast Douglas Struble showcases his groundbreaking work, unveiling the planetary nebula HFG1 (PK 136+05) through the lens of his Explore Scientific ED152 Air-Spaced Triplet APO Refractor. Positioned in the Giraffe constellation, HFG1's intricate and symmetrical structures, formed by the expelled outer layers of a dying star, come to life. Struble's commitment to astrophotography and technological advancements reshapes our understanding of space, providing a captivating glimpse into the mysteries of the universe. The Explore Alliance Ambassador's detailed exploration of HFG1, documented on, highlights the nebula's ancient nature and its significant diameter, exceeding one light year. Observers in the Northern Hemisphere are privileged to witness this awe-inspiring celestial phenomenon, thanks to Struble's advanced equipment and techniques.
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  • Struble's Planetary Cosmos
    octobre 31, 2019

    Cosmos planétaire de Struble

    Toute ma vie que j'ai, j'ai eu une fascination pour l'astronomie, mais ce n'est que plus tard dans ma vie d'adulte où je pouvais me permettre l'équipement approprié non seulement pour imaginer l'univers, mais l'étudier directement. La nébuleuse planétaire m'a...

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